Frequently asked questions

Where is The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre is at 302 W 45th St, New York, NY 10036, USA. It is set in the heart of the Broadway district, Manhattan, NYC.

Where to park at The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre does not have official or on-site parking. However, plenty of garages are available in the surrounding blocks. Many visitors prefer pre-booking their spots on apps like SpotHero to avoid disappointment.

How old is The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre opened in 1924. As of 2024, it is 100 years old.

When should I arrive at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

You should arrive at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre around 45 minutes before the show begins. This allows plenty of time for passing security checks, purchasing refreshments, and finding your seat.

Can you bring food to The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre does not permit outside food or drink. However, concessions are available to purchase inside the venue.

Does The Al Hirschfeld Theatre serve drinks?

Yes, the Al Hirschfeld Theatre serves a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. There is also a private VIP bar, should you wish to upgrade.

Does The Al Hirschfeld Theatre have food?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre serves snacks and candy from its concession stands. If you wish to eat a full meal, consider visiting a nearby restaurant before or after your show.

What do you wear to The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

There is no specific dress code for guests attending the Al Hirschfeld Theatre. Many enjoy dressing formally for their show, however, there is no expectation. Simply wear something comfortable and respectable. The venue may use air conditioning, so please bring a light sweater.

Are purses allowed at The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

Guests may bring a purse to the Al Hirschfeld Theatre. A small or clear purse will make passing through security checks much easier.

What time do the doors open at The Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

Doors at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre usually open around 45 minutes before curtain time. Please arrive with plenty of time to pass security and find your seat.

What is The Al Hirschfeld Theatre capacity?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre has a capacity of 1,424 guests. This may change due to show layout requirements.

What did The Al Hirschfeld Theatre used to be called?

The Al Hirschfeld Theatre was initially called the Martin Beck Theatre before being renamed in the early 2000s.

What are the best seats at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

All seats at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre provide an excellent viewing experience. However, many guests advise sitting in central, mid-theater seats if your budget allows, as these provide the clearest sound and sharpest lines of sight.

Is Moulin Rouge on Broadway worth seeing?

Yes, Moulin Rouge! is a fantastic theater performance with all the impressive staging you would expect from a Broadway show.

What are the best seats to watch Moulin Rouge on Broadway?

If you’re visiting the Al Hirschfeld Theatre to see Moulin Rouge, then different seats offer different advantages. Central, mid-theater seats provide the clearest views. On the other hand, side and mezzanine seats offer a great combination of quality experience and lower prices.

How long is Moulin Rouge at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

Showings of Moulin Rouge! at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre on Broadway typically run for around 2 hours and 35 minutes, with an intermission during the show.